North Yorkshire County Council


Business and Environmental Services


Executive Members


21 May 2021


Major Scheme Development Budget Update


Report of the Assistant Director – Highways and Transportation


1.0          Purpose Of Report


1.1          To seek approval for a programme of projects to spend the Major Scheme Development budget for 2021/22 from the Corporate Director - Business Environmental Services in consultation with the BES Executive Members.



2.0          Background


2.1         In October 2019 a paper was presented with an update on funding opportunities for transport related schemes and NYCC’s on-going development of a pipeline of schemes for potential future bids.


2.2         Following the October 2019 paper NYCC offered to visit each of the North Yorkshire LPA’s to informally discuss potential transport schemes to be included in the County Councils programme of developing a ‘pipeline’ of ‘bid ready’ schemes.


2.3         Six of the nine North Yorkshire Local Planning Authorities (excluding the County Council) accepted this invitation. Brief details of the potential feasibility projects discussed are set out in the table below with an update provided on those that were included in the 2020/21 programme for the Major Schemes Development Budget:






Further development of Skipton LCWIP schemes  - Delivered in 2020/21

A59 Broughton Hall roundabout and congestion

Crosshills Railway Station

Bentham town centre masterplan.

Potential for Skipton eastern link road to link road to serve potential new housing

Potential loan to commence junction improvement design necessary to deliver the Local Plan


Friarage Street / High Street Northallerton (FHSF) further development  - Delivered in 2020/21

Bedale and Aiskew – Pedestrian and cycle routes including on the A684 corridor through Aiskew

Infrastructure improvements on Dalton Industrial Estate – Design to adoptable standard

Junction improvements between the A167 /A168 near Dalton (north of Topcliffe)


Series of Harrogate / Knaresborough Schemes  - ongoing work in 2020/21

A59 Improvements between Harrogate and York

A61 Harrogate to Leeds

Traffic, regeneration and public realm in Ripon.


Musley Bank & Broughton Road junctions to A64 – Delivered in 2020/21

Potential for Welham Road to York Road Link Road

Further development of Malton / Norton Package


Scarborough Station Area transport and public realm masterplan

Improved access and information at rural bus stops between Scarborough and Whitby


Wide ranging Selby Town Centre and Station Area transport and public realm study to build on TCF. Incorporating junction modelling and active travel infrastructure – Selby Places and Movement Study carried out in 2020/21

Eastern Access Road to station (regeneration project with transport implications)


2.4         NYCC provisionally identified a budget of c£700k per year for 2020/21 and 2021/22 years to undertake this scheme development work. The schemes listed above were considered alongside County Council own priorities and existing commitments in agreeing the proposed programme for scheme development for 21/22.


3.0         2021/22 programme


3.1         It is proposed that the NYCC Major Schemes Development programme for 2021/22 is as follows:


3.1.1     Harrogate Transport Improvement Package - Following previous work, undertaken as part of the Harrogate Congestion Study, HTIP Stage 1 looked to progress the following workstreams, in order to better understand the potential feasibility of interventions and the maximum benefit that could realistically be achieved for each mode:

·                Cycling (note that the Walking element was taken forward as part of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) project, but has been developed in parallel);

·                Bus Infrastructure;

·                Park & Ride;

·                Highway Schemes;

·                Smarter Choices and Behaviour Change; and

·                Junctions Improvements.


3.1.1    The outcome of this work identified that the greatest potential for intervention is likely to be realised on the A61 South corridor. The Major Scheme Development Budget will be used to further this work and a separate report will be presented to the June meeting of BES Executive Members to give more detail.


3.1.2     Pipeline schemes – In addition to the work above on the HTIP programme initial work was carried out on a potential Killinghall bypass, it is recommended that this scheme is taken to Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC) stage similar to other schemes on the Major Schemes list. Feasibility work leading potentially to an SOBC will also be included for a potential Skipton Eastern Link Road. This was suggested by Craven District Council following the conversations in October 2019 and has been raised again since. It is proposed that this scheme will also be progressed to the same stage as other Major schemes.


3.1.3     Catterick / Richmond LCWIP – NYCC made a commitment to develop an LCWIP for the main urban area within each district in the County. Catterick is the last of the LCWIPs to be developed and will incorporate links to Richmond.


3.1.4     Level Crossing Improvements - NYCC commissioned surveys at five level crossings to assess barrier down times, queue lengths and traffic counts. The level crossings are Kildwick, Starbeck and three level crossings in Northallerton which are Low Gates, Romanby Road and Boroughbridge Road. The survey data underlined the significant delays caused by the level crossings, with Kildwick’s barrier down 35 minutes of the morning peak hour. The surveys were used to inform modelling which showed the potential for significant improvements in delay seconds per Passenger Car Unit (PCU) at all five level crossings, but particularly at Starbeck (26.6%), Kildwick (42.9%) and Northallerton Lowgates (42.4%) within a best-case scenario. NYCC would like to look at Kildwick and Starbeck level crossings in more depth in order for us to obtain sufficient information to make a decision about whether to proceed further with the interventions. We anticipate this to involve micro simulation modelling within both level crossings study areas and detailed analysis of benefits with an indicative Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR). Work will also need to be undertaken to understand if the proposed barrier down time savings can be achieved consistently throughout the day (with reference to surveys) and what effect potential increases in rail traffic may have longer term.


            The three Northallerton based level crossings are the subject of business case development work being undertaken by Network Rail. This work may lead to changes to the level crossings that will have a positive impact on the highway network. Officers are in regular contact with Network Rail and will be closely monitoring progress of the business case development work.


3.1.5     Selby Place and Movement Study - the Selby Place and Movement study was commissioned in Summer 2020, jointly by NYCC and Selby District Council (SDC).  The aim of the study is to consider how congestion could be reduced, how air quality could be improved and how the highway network might be adapted to support improved movement for all modes. In addition to this, the study also considers the place making agenda in the towns in question. The study was commissioned covering the areas of Selby, Sherburn in Elmet and Tadcaster, and was funded by the YNYLEP, the NYCC major scheme development budget and Selby District Council. To develop this work further following the final report due at the end of May 2021 a proposed allocation has been included within the Major Scheme Development budget.


3.1.6     Scarborough Station Gateway - Scarborough Borough Council has been allocated £19m Town Deal Funding for Scarborough. In discussion with the Borough Council it has been concluded that it is highly likely that transport and townscape improvements to the Scarborough Station / Stephen Joseph Theatre area are likely to form part of a Station Gateway package. It is therefore proposed to allocate a contribution towards considering the transport aspects of any wider studies into the future of this area. An allocation for Scarborough Station was included in the 2020/21 budget but not used due to delays in the Town Deal fund.


3.1.7     Bid preparation – as in previous years an allocated amount of funding will be available to cover any bidding opportunities that become available throughout the year.




3.2         On the basis of the above, the proposed programme of scheme development for 2021/22 is set out in the table below:



Scheme development budget cost

Harrogate Transport Improvement Package


Pipeline schemes (Killinghall bypass, Skipton East link road)


Catterick / Richmond LCWIP


Level Crossing improvements


Selby Places and Movement


Scarborough Station Area


Bid preparation


NYCC Staff Costs







4.0         Other sources of funding


4.1         There are also other funding sources that have been confirmed for 2021/22. They are:


4.1.1     Section 106 Funding for Ripon– This funding totalling £70,000 will allow the development of an LCWIP for Ripon. The Transport Planning team will be leading on this work.


4.1.2     Active Travel Fund – NYCC were successful in bidding for Active Travel Funding in 2020. Delivery of the infrastructure schemes will be managed by the relevant area teams but reporting to the Department for Transport (DfT) will rest with the Transport Planning team.


4.2         In addition to the additional funding streams that have already been confirmed the following provide opportunities for additional funding:


4.2.1     Capability Fund – A bid was made to the DfT in April to access £207k revenue funding. The detail of the bid was presented at a special meeting of the BES Executive Members in April. We expect to be notified in May if we have been successful in securing the funding.


4.2.2     Cycling and Walking Capital funding – The DfT has informed NYCC that there will be an allocation of capital funding in 2021/22 to deliver infrastructure schemes. At this time we are awaiting further details on this funding and the mechanism for accessing it.


4.2.3     Scarborough Town Deal – Delivery of part of the Scarborough LCWIP could be funded through the Scarborough Town Deal. The first 12 months of this project will involve business case development with construction of schemes envisaged in future years.


4.2.4     Levelling Up Fund – In March 2021 the Levelling Up Fund was announced. The first round of the fund is open to bids until 18 June 2021. Bids of up to £20m can be submitted and by exception larger bids of £20m - £50m. There will be further rounds of this funding with details to follow later in the year.


4.2.5     Community Renewal Fund – Alongside the Levelling Up Fund the Community Renewal Fund was announced. This is a smaller pot of funding mainly focussed on revenue interventions.


5.0         Equalities


5.1         Consideration has been given to the potential for any equality impacts arising from the recommendations. It is the view of officers that at this stage the recommendations do not have an adverse impact on any of the protected characteristics identified in the Equalities Act 2010.  See Appendix 1.


6.0         Finance


6.1         The Major Scheme Development budget is funded from CPE (£500k) and the development Initiatives Reserve (£200k) and the allocation of £700k for 2021/22 was fixed as part of a multi-year allocation.


7.0         Legal


7.1         There are no legal implications arising as a consequence of this report.


8.0         Climate Change


8.1         There are no climate change implications arising as a consequence of this report.  See Appendix 2. 


9.0          Recommendations


9.1       That the Corporate Director - BES in consultation with the BES Executive Members approves the proposed Major Scheme Development programme for 2021/22




Barrie Mason

Assistant Director - Highways and Transportation.



Author of Report: Louise Neale, Team Leader Transport Planning.



Background Documents: None


Initial equality impact assessment screening form

(As of October 2015 this form replaces ‘Record of decision not to carry out an EIA)


This form records an equality screening process to determine the relevance of equality to a proposal, and a decision whether or not a full EIA would be appropriate or proportionate.



Business and Environmental Services

Service area

Highways and Transportation

Proposal being screened

Major Scheme Development Budget

Officer(s) carrying out screening

Louise Neale

What are you proposing to do?

To spend the Major scheme development budget on a range of projects

Why are you proposing this? What are the desired outcomes?

To develop schemes to enable them to be bid ready for appropriate funding sources

Does the proposal involve a significant commitment or removal of resources? Please give details.

The work is being funded through existing budgets.


Is there likely to be an adverse impact on people with any of the following protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010, or NYCC’s additional agreed characteristics?

As part of this assessment, please consider the following questions:

·       To what extent is this service used by particular groups of people with protected characteristics?

·       Does the proposal relate to functions that previous consultation has identified as important?

·       Do different groups have different needs or experiences in the area the proposal relates to?


If for any characteristic it is considered that there is likely to be a significant adverse impact or you have ticked ‘Don’t know/no info available’, then a full EIA should be carried out where this is proportionate. You are advised to speak to your Equality rep for advice if you are in any doubt.


Protected characteristic



Don’t know/No info available









Sex (Gender)








Sexual orientation




Gender reassignment




Religion or belief




Pregnancy or maternity




Marriage or civil partnership




NYCC additional characteristic

People in rural areas




People on a low income




Carer (unpaid family or friend)




Does the proposal relate to an area where there are known inequalities/probable impacts (e.g. disabled people’s access to public transport)? Please give details.


Will the proposal have a significant effect on how other organisations operate? (e.g. partners, funding criteria, etc.). Do any of these organisations support people with protected characteristics? Please explain why you have reached this conclusion.


Decision (Please tick one option)

EIA not relevant or proportionate:


Continue to full EIA:


Reason for decision

The work being proposed will have wide benefits for residents and visitors and there is no reason for the work programme to cause any negative impact on anybody from within the protected characteristic groups. 

Signed (Assistant Director or equivalent)

Barrie Mason





Climate change impact assessment                                                                                                                                                                                                           


The purpose of this assessment is to help us understand the likely impacts of our decisions on the environment of North Yorkshire and on our aspiration to achieve net carbon neutrality by 2030, or as close to that date as possible. The intention is to mitigate negative effects and identify projects which will have positive effects.


This document should be completed in consultation with the supporting guidance. The final document will be published as part of the decision making process and should be written in Plain English.


If you have any additional queries which are not covered by the guidance please email 

Please note: You may not need to undertake this assessment if your proposal will be subject to any of the following: 
 Planning Permission
 Environmental Impact Assessment
 Strategic Environmental Assessment
 However, you will still need to summarise your findings in in the summary section of the form below.
 Please contact for advice.












Title of proposal

Major scheme Development Budget

Brief description of proposal

To spend the Major scheme development budget on a range of projects

To develop schemes to enable them to be bid ready for appropriate funding sources



Service area

Highways and Transportation

Lead officer

Louise Neale

Names and roles of other people involved in carrying out the impact assessment


Date impact assessment started






Options appraisal

Were any other options considered in trying to achieve the aim of this project? If so, please give brief details and explain why alternative options were not progressed.




What impact will this proposal have on council budgets? Will it be cost neutral, have increased cost or reduce costs?


Please explain briefly why this will be the result, detailing estimated savings or costs where this is possible.


This proposal is funded through existing budgets and therefore is cost neutral.



How will this proposal impact on the environment?

N.B. There may be short term negative impact and longer term positive impact. Please include all potential impacts over the lifetime of a project and provide an explanation.

Positive impact

(Place a X in the box below where relevant)

No impact

(Place a X in the box below where relevant)

Negative impact

(Place a X in the box below where relevant)

Explain why will it have this effect and over what timescale?


Where possible/relevant please include:

·      Changes over and above business as usual

·      Evidence or measurement of effect

·      Figures for CO2e

·      Links to relevant documents

Explain how you plan to mitigate any negative impacts.


Explain how you plan to improve any positive outcomes as far as possible.

Minimise greenhouse gas emissions e.g. reducing emissions from travel, increasing energy efficiencies etc.


Emissions from travel





This proposal relates to the delivery of feasibility studies leading to SOBC / OBC production



Emissions from construction





As above.



Emissions from running of buildings





As above.








As above.



Minimise waste: Reduce, reuse, recycle and compost e.g. reducing use of single use plastic





As above.



Reduce water consumption





As above.



Minimise pollution (including air, land, water, light and noise)






As above.



Ensure resilience to the effects of climate change e.g. reducing flood risk, mitigating effects of drier, hotter summers





As above.



Enhance conservation and wildlife







As above.



Safeguard the distinctive characteristics, features and special qualities of North Yorkshire’s landscape







As above.




Other (please state below)










Are there any recognised good practice environmental standards in relation to this proposal? If so, please detail how this proposal meets those standards.

Not applicable.




Summary Summarise the findings of your impact assessment, including impacts, the recommendation in relation to addressing impacts, including any legal advice, and next steps. This summary should be used as part of the report to the decision maker.

This report is  requesting permission to spend the Major scheme development budget on scheme development and as such there are no climate impacts




Sign off section


This climate change impact assessment was completed by:



Louise Neale

Job title

Team Leader Transport Planning

Service area






Completion date



Authorised by relevant Assistant Director (signature): Barrie Mason


Date: 12/05/21